New PR Ethics (#PRethics) Community Launches on LinkedIn

Strategic communicators who work in public relations — as well as other professionals, academicians, and students who seek to learn more about ethical PR — can join The #PRethics Community on the LinkedIn professional social media platform.

The community is committed to integrity in organizational and brand communication and aims to help professionals who seek to build authentic trust with stakeholders.

Anyone is welcome to join the community to exchange ideas, ask questions, seek guidance, spotlight issues, or share ethics research / resources for the benefit of the community.

The #PRethics Community is not managed by any PR association or organization, although community members may have their own diverse affiliations with groups of their own choosing, either internal or external to the public relations industry.

Be sure to use the #PRethics hashtag to help amplify social media posts about important public relations ethics issues and topics.



  1. I’m looking forward to sharing on and learning from others with shared subject interests here. Thx for organizing it Jared and Mary Beth!

    • Thanks so much, Craig! We appreciate your being part of the community and contributing your valuable insights.

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