PRSA-NY to Jewish Community: #SorryNotSorry, We’re No Longer Sorry

In a self-made PR crisis of moral reversal, PRSA New York apologizes with an anti-Israel statement days after its pro-Israel statement.
In a self-made PR crisis of moral reversal, PRSA New York apologizes with an anti-Israel statement days after its pro-Israel statement.
If a public relations (PR) ethics code hasn’t been meaningfully updated since before the dawn of social media and is widely locked in a myopic, media-relations-centric time-warp, then it’s missing massive chunks of essential treatment of contemporary issues.
Amid millions in financial losses for years, PRSA National Board leadership and executive staff have not complied with New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law on disclosures to Assembly delegates.
Destroying data at a management team's command can have massive ethics and legal consequences for the unwitting PR practitioner.