A Well-Deserved Message to Anti-Semitic Academia: “Job. No-Keep.”

In light of Fareed Zakaria's brilliant CNN editorial taking U.S. academia to task, you can't "PR" anti-Semitism. So let's not say stuff that suggests one can, or, much less, should.
In light of Fareed Zakaria's brilliant CNN editorial taking U.S. academia to task, you can't "PR" anti-Semitism. So let's not say stuff that suggests one can, or, much less, should.
The North American PR agency sector faces a slew of competing priorities -- with budgets unequal to client demands.
It should never be this difficult or expensive to dismiss an utterly toxic individual who’s arguably driving a desperately needed community healthcare resource into the ground.
A new program in East Tennessee is helping diverse high school students gain career pathways into PR, media, and communications careers. Industry partners are welcomed to join!
PRSA’s AI white paper is awash in “do as we say, not as we do” hypocrisies, neglecting disclosure of many recent PRSA violations of member trust.
The PRSA Foundation faces potential legal and PR problems with the 2023 U.S. Supreme Court decision on race-based academic preferences.
"It’s been 13 months since I first called publicly for more than zero women to serve on my community’s hospital board." - @marybethwest
In a self-made PR crisis of moral reversal, PRSA New York apologizes with an anti-Israel statement days after its pro-Israel statement.
October 10, 2023 will mark World Mental Health Day, and if there is any industry more ripe for taking notice and – more importantly – taking action toward better outcomes, it’s the public relations (PR) sector. Two years ago, executive…
If a public relations (PR) ethics code hasn’t been meaningfully updated since before the dawn of social media and is widely locked in a myopic, media-relations-centric time-warp, then it’s missing massive chunks of essential treatment of contemporary issues.